I047. Islam prohibits greed with wealth

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- Code: I047
- Category: Illustration
- Title: I047. Islam prohibits greed with wealth
- Price: $1
- Illustrated by: Faza
- Series: Seri Tafsir Kontemporer Alquran Surah Alfatihah
- Pages: 1
- File Type: JPG
- Size: MB
- Publisher: download.ebookanak.com
- Info: +62 815 6148 165
- Email: cbmagency25@gmail.com
لَيْسَ الْغِنَى عَنْ كَثْرَةِ الْعَرَضِ وَلَكِنَّ الْغِنَى غِنَى النَّفْسِ
“(Real) wealth is not in having lots of possessions. But (real) wealth is a heart that always has enough.” (HR. Bukhari no. 6446 and Muslim no. 1051).
- First: Humans are so greedy in increasing wealth. Humans never feel satisfied and have enough with what they have.
- Second: The words of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, “A human’s stomach will not be full except with soil”, meaning: When a person dies, his stomach when in the grave will be filled with soil. His stomach will have enough of the soil until it will eventually become powder. (Syarh Ibn Batthol)
- Third: This hadith is a reproach for people who are too greedy for the world and whose goal is only to increase their wealth. Therefore, the ulama are very qona’ah and always feel sufficient with the wealth they obtain. (Syarh Ibn Batthol)
- Fourth: This hadith is a recommendation for asceticism in the world. What is called asceticism in the world is abandoning everything that neglects Allah. (Ibn Rajab’s statement in Jaami’ul Ulum wal Hikam)
- Fifth: Humans will be tempted through wealth. There are those who are grateful for what they have been given. There are also those who never feel satisfied.
- Therefore, pray a lot to Allah so that you will always be given enough. The prayer that was always offered by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was the prayer:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ الْهُدَى وَالتُّقَى وَالْعَفَافَ وَالْغِنَى
“Allahumma inni as-alukal huda wat tuqo wal ‘afaf wal ghina” (O Allah, I ask You for guidance, piety, to be given the qualities of ‘afaf and ghina) (HR. Muslim no. 2721)
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