I024. Spider Webs Protected the Hideout of the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr in the Tsur Cave from Pursuit of the Quraysh

Spider’s Nest Protects the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the Tsur Cave
When the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr were chased by the Quraysh infidels.
They then hid in Tsur’s cave.
Allah is the Almighty who gives security.
Then decorate the mouth of the Tsur cave with spider webs.
Which fills all sides and the mouth of the cave.
So the Quraysh thought that it was impossible for the Prophet and Abu Bakr to enter and hide in the cave.
Because the spider’s web remains tight, nothing is broken.
For several days the Prophet and Abu Bakr hid in the Tsur Cave.
When things became safe, they came out of the cave and continued their journey to Medina.
Allah Who Gives Security.
Who instills faith in the hearts of His servants.
Protects those who seek His protection.
So Allah has the name Al Mu’min, namely the Giver of Security.
“He is Allah Who has no god (who has the right to be worshipped) but Him. Most Holy King. The Most Prosperous. The One who gives security, the All-Preserving, the All-Mighty. The Almighty, the One who has all glory, Glorified is Allah from what they associate with each other.” (Q.S. Al Hasyr: 23)
The Infuser of Faith
- The Affirmer of Truth, The Guarantor, The Giver of Faith. The name of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ as Al-Mu’min (in Arabic: ٱلْمُؤْمِنُ) means the one who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He is the one who sent down Messengers and revealed His books as clear proofs.
- The Infuser of Faith Reciting it 631 times will keep you safe from anguish.
- Whoever reads Yaa Mu’min. With Allah’s permission, he will be free from all kinds of disturbances that may come his way.
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